LAGV Prize

The short-list for the 2017 LAGV prize is as follows (6 papers, in alphabetical order of last names):

  • AÏT LAHCEN, Mohammed: “Money, Inflation, and Unemployment in the Presence of Informality”
  • DECERF, Benoit: “Conciliating absolute and relative poverty: Income poverty measurement beyond Sen’s model”
  • DOGAN, Aydan: “Investment Specific Technology Shocks and Emerging Market Business Cycle Dynamics”
  • MORAULT, Pauline: “Arranged Marriages under Transferable Utilities”
  • OURENS, Guzmán: “Uneven growth in the extensive margin: a new explanation for the lag of agricultural economies”
  • VAN BOXTEL, Anton: “Trader Compensation, Risk, and the Banking Labour Market”


This prize is in memory of ASSET’s first elected president Louis-André Gerard-Varet, who passed away in January 2001. Louis-André Gérard-Varet was Directeur d'Etudes at EHESS, and Director of GREQAM in Marseille. He was ASSET’s chairman from 1990 to 1997 and its president from 1997 to 1999.

ASSET awards the Louis-André Gerard-Varet prize each year to a young author (either a current graduate student or a recent PhD within two years of graduation) of an outstanding paper singled out by the program committee among those submitted to the ASSET annual meeting. The recipient of the prize must be attending the annual meeting, and in the case of co-authored papers, all authors must be individually eligible.

IMPORTANT - Submitters who want to be considered for the prize should add a letter from a professor certifying the eligibility conditions.

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