- updated october 26th, 7:40 -
Download the detailed program
Conference Schedule:
Friday, October 27, 2017
17h - Registration desks open
18h30 - Opening session
Tribute to Jacques Drèze (with the participation of Raouf Boucekkine, Mohamed Laksaci & Omar Licandro)
Plenary talk by Jacques Drèze
20h30 - Dinner in honor of Jacques Drèze
Saturday, October 28, 2017
9h-10h30 - Parallel session 1
10h30-11h - Coffee break
11h-12h30 - Parallel session 2
12h30-14h - Lunch (meeting of the ASSET board)
14h-15h30 - Parallel session 3
15h30-16h - Coffee break
16h-17h30 - Parallel session 4
17h45-19h - Plenary session Vilfredo Pareto Lecture: Rachel Griffith
20h30 - Conference dinner
Sunday, October 29, 2017
9h-10h15 - Plenary session Murat Sertel Lecture: Marc Fleurbaey
10h15-11h30 - Special sponsored roundtable on free tertiary education chaired by Alain Trannoy
(preceded by the LAGV Prize ceremony)
11h30-12h - Coffee break
12h-13h30 - Parallel session 5
13h30-15h - Lunch
15h-16h30 - Parallel session 6
Closure of the conference