
The ASsociation of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET) is a group of economics departments and economics research centres that are all based in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region (Cyprus, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey). ASSET promotes cooperation and exchange of ideas as well as reseachers among the members institutions in the general fields of analytical and quantitative economics and econometrics. ASSET's meetings and activities are open to international scholars from all parts of the world.




LAGV prize short-list

The short-list for the 2017 LAGV prize is as follows (6 papers, in alphabetical order of last names):

  • AÏT LAHCEN, Mohammed: “Money, Inflation, and Unemployment in the Presence of Informality”
  • DECERF, Benoit: “Conciliating absolute and relative poverty: Income poverty measurement beyond Sen’s model”
  • DOGAN, Aydan: “Investment Specific Technology Shocks and Emerging Market Business Cycle Dynamics”
  • MORAULT, Pauline: “Arranged Marriages under Transferable Utilities”
  • OURENS, Guzmán: “Uneven growth in the extensive margin: a new explanation for the lag of agricultural economies”
  • VAN BOXTEL, Anton: “Trader Compensation, Risk, and the Banking Labour Market”


In response to several reactions to the announcement of the initial venue, we have decided to move the venue to the center of Algiers at the prestigious El Aurassi Hotel:

Hotel El-Aurassi

Hotel El-Aurassi, 1 Ave du Docteur Frantz Fanon, Alger Centre, Algérie

More Information

Plenary sessions

Call for papers

  • Download the call for papers

    (pdf file)

  • Download the call for papers (pdf)

Submit a paper

Submissions from all fields of Economics are welcome and should be made through the website by June 8th, 2017.

- Authors should submit an extended abstract of up to 250 words and a full paper.
- Submissions from economists not affiliated with the ASSET network are also welcome.
- Co-authored papers should be submitted by the author who intends to present the paper.
- Please note that each participant may submit at most one paper.

Submitters will be notified about the status of their submission by July 17th, 2017.

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